
I dreamed something like this a while ago and thought it would make a nice little story. :) 

„I don’t want to go to the basement alone!”

“If you wouldn’t watch so many horror movies, you wouldn’t be so scared.”

“I’m scared ether way!” the blond girl protested. I just laughed.

“Well I’m to lazy, go yourself.”

“Yeah fine…”

So I stayed on the couch next to Dijana. She was only looking at her phone, ignoring the movie, which the three of us took ages to agree on, completely. Well mostly cause Lena had so many ideas and couldn’t decide. Speaking of Lena she just came back and gave me another glass of this fancy drink she kept talking about. To be honest, it wasn’t half bad. Dijana and Lena had another slice of cake, we had backed it earlier, it too didn’t turn out bad.  The movie ended and we listened to music as we heard someone at the front door. Lena grabbed my arm.

“Did you invite someone else?” I wondered. Because I knew it can’t be her parents. The we had the idea of a movie-night, cause her parents would be away for the following week. “Maybe your neighbours? Should we open?” I asked.

“Yeah but I don’t want to stand up…”

“Uhhh fine I’ll go.” But as I open the door to the hallway, the front door is already open. I look back at my friends in the living room. It seems like they didn’t notice anything, so I shut and lock the door. Nothing seems off, Lena often forgets to lock the door. As I step back into the living room I close the door behind me. I noticed my friends were staring at something at the top of the stairs. Confused by the terror in their eyes I asked: “What’s the matter?” Dijana just rose her hand and pointed at something, in the direction they were looking at. I take a few more steps into the room, in order to see what scares them so much ”Maybe a spider or they are pranking me” I thought to myself. As I reach the bottom of the stares I find myself in one of the most terrifying situations of my life. The thing they were staring at was a kind of shadow or silhouette of a person. Which started to half run, half crawl down the stairs at an insane speed. Lena screamed, I just felt my knees get weak as I fall onto my back. When the monster was about half a meter away from me it leaps over me to the other side of the room. While it jumped my eyes follow, the thing moved toward my friends on the sofa. This must have awoken me cause I stood up and walked closer to it. But the closer I get the more I regret this decision, whatever or whoever  this was, it was completely covered in some sort of mud. It was all black and I could not make out any kind of detail of clothes or anything like that. The Intruder was like a 3D shadow. I gasp and take a step back. It must have heard me, because at that moment it turned around. I remember the face clearly, if you can call it a face. It had no eyes, no nose, no ears, no hair, not any kind of facial structure. Only a creepy af smile from one side of the face to the other. In a reflex I grabbed the closest thing to me, which was a broom, in a desperate attempt of keeping it away. My friends seem to have recovered from their shock. Dijana slowly stands up and reaches for a knife on the table, we used it earlier to cut the cake. Lena too stood up, but she knocks over a glass and the creature quickly turned it’s head. I took the chance to swing the broom at it. The monster let it’s head sink. For a little moment it was calm and silent, Dijana and I exchanged a irritated look. But in a split second the thing grabbed the broom  with one hand and my throat with the other. Before I could even react my friend stabbed the attacker in it’s back with her knife. It’s grip loosens and it slowly dropped to the floor. The three of us now stand next to the body. Lena moved herself behind me and grabbed my arm. Dijana was the first to break the silence: “What the actual fuck was THAT?!”

“Should we the police?” I wondered. Dijana kneeled down and turned it on it’s back. It was at this moment, the black goo, which covered the intruder started to move. She immediately pulled her hand away, but the stuff stuck to her finders and started to make it’s way up on her arm. It was slowly spreading over her torso and her reaction was to panic and trying to rip it of. But it covered more and more of her body. Lena and I just moved back a bit, everything happened so fast. As all the black slime transferred from the body to her, she just sat there, looking down on the dead body in front of her. Her hand was slowly reaching for the knife.

“Hey.. Dijana…what happ.. are you…. still you?” Lena asked in a shaking voice.

In response Dijanas head turned fast and she quickly and abruptly pulled the knife out of the corps. Just in case I softly pushed Lena closer to the stairs behind us. As I feared our former friend charged at us with the weapon in her hand. I quickly stepped aside, Dijana stumbled into the room and I ordered Lena to run upstairs. She did as I told her and I immediately followed behind her. I didn’t even look back. On the first floor we hurried into Lena’s room and shut the door behind us. I locked the door and Lena asked:” What.. what should we do now?” “Hide… should hide.” She nodded and stepped into the closet at the other side of the room. I placed myself close to the door. I could her steps coming closer and my heart beat faster. The sound of the steps stopped in front of the room we hid in. Suddenly a knife cuts through the door. With more and more swings the howl in the door gets bigger. A hand reaches trough it and slowly tunes the key on our side. After this was done it opens the door, carefully. I get ready. At the moment Dijana moved trough the entrance, I jump on punching the knife out of her hand. Then I tried to hold her down, but she struggled so much and my grip around her got tighter and tighter. And she moved slower and slower, till she didn’t move anymore at all. I noticed tears running down my face as the black stuff started to move again.

“Lena go, run get out of here!” I streamed as loud as my current condition would allow me to. Lena pushed the door of the closet open and stumbled towards us and as she passed by me she looked at me with a sad jet terrified face. My vision got blurry and my body didn’t listen to me anymore. I stud up. And Lena started running. But even though I tried to stop it, I ran after her. Downstairs Lena grabbed her phone and I noticed that my vision got even worse. I could only guess that we were now moving towards the front door. Just before I  couldn’t  see anything anymore my vision got better. And I started to regain the control over my body. I was standing a meter away from the front door as I started to process the situation. “If I’m not the killer anymore, then who…” I couldn’t think any further, because I heard something move on the first floor. The only thought on my mind from that point on was to get away.



And I succeeded Lena and I got away but nether the original intruder or Dijana were ever seen again.  

Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.

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