
A little story i thought of while listening to "bad end night". It's a little creepy but does not contain gore or anything like that. Enjoy ^^

a girl alone in the woods 

an old mansion with tall windows 

the big doors open with a squeak

a butler right behind it 

"Welcome young lady, Are you lost?"

"Ahh... well..."

"Oh please step in."

a giant old hall

stairs leading to the upper floor

"Are you hungry I was just about to prepare dinner"

"Thank you,

But can't you just tell me how to get to the village"

lightning strikes and thunder rips through the air

she jumped at the sound

"I think it's for the better if you stay here for the night"


she mumbled while nodding 

she follows the man upstairs 

they entered the door at the end of the hallway 

"The guest room, 

I'll get the maid to bring you some dry clothes"

the floor was covered with a dark red carpet 

the golden lace made it look very expensive 

a giant bed and a old wooden tablet

a glass door leading to the balcony

a wooden door 

she opened it to face complete darkness

her hand was looking for a light switch 

her eyes shut as the light in the bathroom turned on

after walking in,

she looked in the mirror 

a cold feeling 

her wet clothes weighting her down

the door creaked

she turned in an instant

a beautiful woman in the door

"I'm sorry,

Here are some spare clothes"

"Thank you"

"Please change and come downstairs when you're finished"

she nodded 

the maid turned with a comforting smile

all alone again the girl did as she was told


at the end of the stairs a well dressed man was waiting

"Hello miss,

Pleas let me lead you to the dining hall"

"Of course"

he gently held her hand as he lead the way 

she focused on her steps

not noticing how his smile turns into a grin


behind a heavy door a long table appears 


Take a seat"

the voice of the butler 

form the other end of the room

so she walked to one of the free seats

next to a beautiful lady

"Hello darling I'm the mistress 

What's your name?"

"Oh... I am...."

before she could finish the sentence a glass broke 

the man had accidentally let go of it

the maid cleaned the floor

the butler served the food

everyone finished


The girl taped the shoulder of the mistress 


she answered 

"Uhm.. may I ask where the restroom is?"

"Oh of course

just out of the door 

to the right 

though the hallway 

the last door.

You can't miss it"

"Thanks a lot"

she stood up

everyones' eyes fixed on her

"Please excuse me for a minute"

she turned and walked through the heavy door

the hallway was dark 

not a sound could be heard 

as she walked along the walls

the carped swallows every sound

the right room was easily found

but as she walked back 

the thunder strikes again 

the turned 

and tripped over a fold of the carpet 

immediately her hands reached out

but she wanted to pull them back 

as they touched an other hand

she looked up

the butler coughed her

"Are you ok miss?"

"Oh yeah 

Thank you"

she wondered if he had been there the whole time 

"Please return to the dining room now!"

he sounded serious 

she did as he told her

mister and mistress were drinking wine 

"Please give our guest a glass too"

as expected the maid acted

and brought a clean glass

as everyone was sitting again 

the mistress asked

"What did you do in the woods 

It's dangerous in the night

Don't you know?"

"People have gone missing lately "

the mister added

"Well... my sister 

she was one of those people

I'm looking for her"

the mistress gave her a merciful look

"When did she disappear?"

"A few days ago"

"So aren't you scared to go alone"

"Well ...."

the maid entered

"It's already late 

You should rest now"

so the girl left the room 

went upstairs to her room

and went to bed 

at first she couldn't sleep 

but the darkness

and the sound of the rain 

made her tired 

she fell asleep 


the feeling of water on her face 

and the cold wind

woke the women up

the window was still open 

she closed it

it was still in the middle of the night

everyone else should be asleep now

she opened the door of her room

complete darkness 

the only light source was the candle in her hand

she walked down the steers 

in the hall was a old clock 

it was ticking steadily but loud

she took a closer look 

she noticed her reflection on the glass 

she turned


she heard steps

"but the carped...."

she usually one can not  hear any steps

because of the carped

"It must have been the rain"

she continued to look around

as she entered the dining room 

she thought she would see a shadow on by the window 

but as she came closer 

it disappeared 

“It must have been a tree outside….”


the steps

she heard them again

they came from outside

she started to get scared

the heavy door opened

in the light of the candle 

she recognized the butler

"There is someone outside"

"Pleas lady go back to bed"

"But the person...

If it was the killer from the woods"

another person entered 

"Why are you both down here"

"The lady saw someone outside...

she must be very tired

It was probably just a tree"

"No it moved!"

the misters face turned serious 

"No I think she is right

I heard something too"

"It's cold and stormy outside,

Who would be out at this time?"

"Maybe the murder from the forest!"

the voice of the maid made their heads turn

she was standing in the door with a oil lamp

"Maybe we should look for the person"

"They probably are in the old gardeners cabin"

"But were not using that anymore 

No one entered it for a while now"

"Should we go outside and see"

"Yeah I think so

Maybe it isn't the murder 

But someone in trouble"

"Ok let's get dressed and meet in the hall"

"Wait, should we wake the lady?"

"No let her sleep"


the butler was the first to step outside 

he held a umbrella over her head 

the group walked through the old garden

the wind was cold

their clothes got socked in water

in the old wooden cabin was light

as they got closer they noticed 

a person inside 

the maid was hiding behind the mister

the butler opened the door 

but the wind immediately blew out the candle 

the oil lamp was the only source of light now

a shadow on the wall

it moved closer to the door 

but the door closed with a loud bang

the maid screamed 

the old garden tools

left creepy shadows on the walls

the butler took the lamp

he turned on the candle

they all looked around 

but the sound of a scream ripped through the air 

it was the maid again

she was standing close to the window

with a person behind her

a shadowy figure

the mistress was the first to recognize her

"But you should be inside sleeping...

Were you the one outside the window"

"I guess you found me"

the voice of the girl 

the sounded different than when she spoke earlier 

she didn't stutter anymore

the maid was shaking 

the cold steel of a blade at her neck

gave her goosebumps 

they all had the same thought

tut the butler was the one to speak first

"You're the murderer"

it was silent 

jet everyone understood it

"Yes I was hoping you would never find me here but now...."



a few days later a young girl was sitting alone in a café

with a newspaper

she read it while drinking tee

“Three people found dead in old mansion,

Police is investigating,

other corpses where found in an old cabin,

one investigator states that

probably the butler was the murder from the woods

and he was found by the rest of the family

and killed them because of it

police is still looking for the suspect”

a silent laugh

she smiled while leafing the café

knowing that they will never find out about what really happened

a girl alone in the woods 

an old mansion with tall windows 

the big doors open with a squeak

a butler right behind it 

"Welcome young lady, Are you lost?"

"Ahh... well..."

"Oh please step in."

a giant old hall

stairs leading to the upper floor

"Are you hungry I was just about to prepare dinner"

"Thank you,

But can't you just tell me how to get to the village"

lightning strikes and thunder rips through the air

she jumped at the sound

"I think it's for the better if you stay here for the night"


she mumbled while nodding 

she follows the man upstairs 

they entered the door at the end of the hallway 

"The guest room, 

I'll get the maid to bring you some dry clothes"

the floor was covered with a dark red carpet 

the golden lace made it look very expensive 

a giant bed and a old wooden tablet

a glass door leading to the balcony

a wooden door 

she opened it to face complete darkness

her hand was looking for a light switch 

her eyes shut as the light in the bathroom turned on

after walking in,

she looked in the mirror 

a cold feeling 

her wet clothes weighting her down

the door creaked

she turned in an instant

a beautiful woman in the door

"I'm sorry,

Here are some spare clothes"

"Thank you"

"Please change and come downstairs when you're finished"

she nodded 

the maid turned with a comforting smile

all alone again the girl did as she was told


at the end of the stairs a well dressed man was waiting

"Hello miss,

Pleas let me lead you to the dining hall"

"Of course"

he gently held her hand as he lead the way 

she focused on her steps

not noticing how his smile turns into a grin


behind a heavy door a long table appears 


Take a seat"

the voice of the butler 

form the other end of the room

so she walked to one of the free seats

next to a beautiful lady

"Hello darling I'm the mistress 

What's your name?"

"Oh... I am...."

before she could finish the sentence a glass broke 

the man had accidentally let go of it

the maid cleaned the floor

the butler served the food

everyone finished


The girl taped the shoulder of the mistress 


she answered 

"Uhm.. may I ask where the restroom is?"

"Oh of course

just out of the door 

to the right 

though the hallway 

the last door.

You can't miss it"

"Thanks a lot"

she stood up

everyones' eyes fixed on her

"Please excuse me for a minute"

she turned and walked through the heavy door

the hallway was dark 

not a sound could be heard 

as she walked along the walls

the carped swallows every sound

the right room was easily found

but as she walked back 

the thunder strikes again 

the turned 

and tripped over a fold of the carpet 

immediately her hands reached out

but she wanted to pull them back 

as they touched an other hand

she looked up

the butler coughed her

"Are you ok miss?"

"Oh yeah 

Thank you"

she wondered if he had been there the whole time 

"Please return to the dining room now!"

he sounded serious 

she did as he told her

mister and mistress were drinking wine 

"Please give our guest a glass too"

as expected the maid acted

and brought a clean glass

as everyone was sitting again 

the mistress asked

"What did you do in the woods 

It's dangerous in the night

Don't you know?"

"People have gone missing lately "

the mister added

"Well... my sister 

she was one of those people

I'm looking for her"

the mistress gave her a merciful look

"When did she disappear?"

"A few days ago"

"So aren't you scared to go alone"

"Well ...."

the maid entered

"It's already late 

You should rest now"

so the girl left the room 

went upstairs to her room

and went to bed 

at first she couldn't sleep 

but the darkness

and the sound of the rain 

made her tired 

she fell asleep 


the feeling of water on her face 

and the cold wind

woke the women up

the window was still open 

she closed it

it was still in the middle of the night

everyone else should be asleep now

she opened the door of her room

complete darkness 

the only light source was the candle in her hand

she walked down the steers 

in the hall was a old clock 

it was ticking steadily but loud

she took a closer look 

she noticed her reflection on the glass 

she turned


she heard steps

"but the carped...."

she usually one can not  hear any steps

because of the carped

"It must have been the rain"

she continued to look around

as she entered the dining room 

she thought she would see a shadow on by the window 

but as she came closer 

it disappeared 

“It must have been a tree outside….”


the steps

she heard them again

they came from outside

she started to get scared

the heavy door opened

in the light of the candle 

she recognized the butler

"There is someone outside"

"Pleas lady go back to bed"

"But the person...

If it was the killer from the woods"

another person entered 

"Why are you both down here"

"The lady saw someone outside...

she must be very tired

It was probably just a tree"

"No it moved!"

the misters face turned serious 

"No I think she is right

I heard something too"

"It's cold and stormy outside,

Who would be out at this time?"

"Maybe the murder from the forest!"

the voice of the maid made their heads turn

she was standing in the door with a oil lamp

"Maybe we should look for the person"

"They probably are in the old gardeners cabin"

"But were not using that anymore 

No one entered it for a while now"

"Should we go outside and see"

"Yeah I think so

Maybe it isn't the murder 

But someone in trouble"

"Ok let's get dressed and meet in the hall"

"Wait, should we wake the lady?"

"No let her sleep"


the butler was the first to step outside 

he held a umbrella over her head 

the group walked through the old garden

the wind was cold

their clothes got socked in water

in the old wooden cabin was light

as they got closer they noticed 

a person inside 

the maid was hiding behind the mister

the butler opened the door 

but the wind immediately blew out the candle 

the oil lamp was the only source of light now

a shadow on the wall

it moved closer to the door 

but the door closed with a loud bang

the maid screamed 

the old garden tools

left creepy shadows on the walls

the butler took the lamp

he turned on the candle

they all looked around 

but the sound of a scream ripped through the air 

it was the maid again

she was standing close to the window

with a person behind her

a shadowy figure

the mistress was the first to recognize her

"But you should be inside sleeping...

Were you the one outside the window"

"I guess you found me"

the voice of the girl 

the sounded different than when she spoke earlier 

she didn't stutter anymore

the maid was shaking 

the cold steel of a blade at her neck

gave her goosebumps 

they all had the same thought

tut the butler was the one to speak first

"You're the murderer"

it was silent 

jet everyone understood it

"Yes I was hoping you would never find me here but now...."



a few days later a young girl was sitting alone in a café

with a newspaper

she read it while drinking tee

“Three people found dead in old mansion,

Police is investigating,

other corpses where found in an old cabin,

one investigator states that

probably the butler was the murder from the woods

and he was found by the rest of the family

and killed them because of it

police is still looking for the suspect”

a silent laugh

she smiled while leafing the café

knowing that they will never find out about what really happened

a girl alone in the woods 

an old mansion with tall windows 

the big doors open with a squeak

a butler right behind it 

"Welcome young lady, Are you lost?"

"Ahh... well..."

"Oh please step in."

a giant old hall

stairs leading to the upper floor

"Are you hungry I was just about to prepare dinner"

"Thank you,

But can't you just tell me how to get to the village"

lightning strikes and thunder rips through the air

she jumped at the sound

"I think it's for the better if you stay here for the night"


she mumbled while nodding 

she follows the man upstairs 

they entered the door at the end of the hallway 

"The guest room, 

I'll get the maid to bring you some dry clothes"

the floor was covered with a dark red carpet 

the golden lace made it look very expensive 

a giant bed and a old wooden tablet

a glass door leading to the balcony

a wooden door 

she opened it to face complete darkness

her hand was looking for a light switch 

her eyes shut as the light in the bathroom turned on

after walking in,

she looked in the mirror 

a cold feeling 

her wet clothes weighting her down

the door creaked

she turned in an instant

a beautiful woman in the door

"I'm sorry,

Here are some spare clothes"

"Thank you"

"Please change and come downstairs when you're finished"

she nodded 

the maid turned with a comforting smile

all alone again the girl did as she was told


at the end of the stairs a well dressed man was waiting

"Hello miss,

Pleas let me lead you to the dining hall"

"Of course"

he gently held her hand as he lead the way 

she focused on her steps

not noticing how his smile turns into a grin


behind a heavy door a long table appears 


Take a seat"

the voice of the butler 

form the other end of the room

so she walked to one of the free seats

next to a beautiful lady

"Hello darling I'm the mistress 

What's your name?"

"Oh... I am...."

before she could finish the sentence a glass broke 

the man had accidentally let go of it

the maid cleaned the floor

the butler served the food

everyone finished


The girl taped the shoulder of the mistress 


she answered 

"Uhm.. may I ask where the restroom is?"

"Oh of course

just out of the door 

to the right 

though the hallway 

the last door.

You can't miss it"

"Thanks a lot"

she stood up

everyones' eyes fixed on her

"Please excuse me for a minute"

she turned and walked through the heavy door

the hallway was dark 

not a sound could be heard 

as she walked along the walls

the carped swallows every sound

the right room was easily found

but as she walked back 

the thunder strikes again 

the turned 

and tripped over a fold of the carpet 

immediately her hands reached out

but she wanted to pull them back 

as they touched an other hand

she looked up

the butler coughed her

"Are you ok miss?"

"Oh yeah 

Thank you"

she wondered if he had been there the whole time 

"Please return to the dining room now!"

he sounded serious 

she did as he told her

mister and mistress were drinking wine 

"Please give our guest a glass too"

as expected the maid acted

and brought a clean glass

as everyone was sitting again 

the mistress asked

"What did you do in the woods 

It's dangerous in the night

Don't you know?"

"People have gone missing lately "

the mister added

"Well... my sister 

she was one of those people

I'm looking for her"

the mistress gave her a merciful look

"When did she disappear?"

"A few days ago"

"So aren't you scared to go alone"

"Well ...."

the maid entered

"It's already late 

You should rest now"

so the girl left the room 

went upstairs to her room

and went to bed 

at first she couldn't sleep 

but the darkness

and the sound of the rain 

made her tired 

she fell asleep 


the feeling of water on her face 

and the cold wind

woke the women up

the window was still open 

she closed it

it was still in the middle of the night

everyone else should be asleep now

she opened the door of her room

complete darkness 

the only light source was the candle in her hand

she walked down the steers 

in the hall was a old clock 

it was ticking steadily but loud

she took a closer look 

she noticed her reflection on the glass 

she turned


she heard steps

"but the carped...."

she usually one can not  hear any steps

because of the carped

"It must have been the rain"

she continued to look around

as she entered the dining room 

she thought she would see a shadow on by the window 

but as she came closer 

it disappeared 

“It must have been a tree outside….”


the steps

she heard them again

they came from outside

she started to get scared

the heavy door opened

in the light of the candle 

she recognized the butler

"There is someone outside"

"Pleas lady go back to bed"

"But the person...

If it was the killer from the woods"

another person entered 

"Why are you both down here"

"The lady saw someone outside...

she must be very tired

It was probably just a tree"

"No it moved!"

the misters face turned serious 

"No I think she is right

I heard something too"

"It's cold and stormy outside,

Who would be out at this time?"

"Maybe the murder from the forest!"

the voice of the maid made their heads turn

she was standing in the door with a oil lamp

"Maybe we should look for the person"

"They probably are in the old gardeners cabin"

"But were not using that anymore 

No one entered it for a while now"

"Should we go outside and see"

"Yeah I think so

Maybe it isn't the murder 

But someone in trouble"

"Ok let's get dressed and meet in the hall"

"Wait, should we wake the lady?"

"No let her sleep"


the butler was the first to step outside 

he held a umbrella over her head 

the group walked through the old garden

the wind was cold

their clothes got socked in water

in the old wooden cabin was light

as they got closer they noticed 

a person inside 

the maid was hiding behind the mister

the butler opened the door 

but the wind immediately blew out the candle 

the oil lamp was the only source of light now

a shadow on the wall

it moved closer to the door 

but the door closed with a loud bang

the maid screamed 

the old garden tools

left creepy shadows on the walls

the butler took the lamp

he turned on the candle

they all looked around 

but the sound of a scream ripped through the air 

it was the maid again

she was standing close to the window

with a person behind her

a shadowy figure

the mistress was the first to recognize her

"But you should be inside sleeping...

Were you the one outside the window"

"I guess you found me"

the voice of the girl 

the sounded different than when she spoke earlier 

she didn't stutter anymore

the maid was shaking 

the cold steel of a blade at her neck

gave her goosebumps 

they all had the same thought

tut the butler was the one to speak first

"You're the murderer"

it was silent 

jet everyone understood it

"Yes I was hoping you would never find me here but now...."



a few days later a young girl was sitting alone in a café

with a newspaper

she read it while drinking tee

“Three people found dead in old mansion,

Police is investigating,

other corpses where found in an old cabin,

one investigator states that

probably the butler was the murder from the woods

and he was found by the rest of the family

and killed them because of it

police is still looking for the suspect”

a silent laugh

she smiled while leafing the café

knowing that they will never find out about what really happened

Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    3.14159265358979323 (Freitag, 12 Mai 2017 22:01)

    I absolutely love that story!!!