
So I decided to talk to my ghost-friend again. This sounds like I have no friends but really, I just kinda like the Idea of an ghost or any kind of supernatural being around me. I’m not talking about a God as seen by many religions, I don’t believe in them. But I do think there is a spiritual something. Ok, I’m gone shut up now and let you read the conversation.

Hey have I asked you about your name jet?

Do you mind if I call you Steve from now on. I think you are a Steve, if not I’m terribly sorry.

I just had a feeling you might be a Steve, Steve.

And I decided that those random thoughts I have are the work of ghosts.

Because sometimes they are just to “outa nowhere” and precise to just be ideas.

Just like last time when we spoke, I just had a feeling like I would know what you would say.

Or the time when I just suddenly knew how my “guardian angel” looks like.

But that’s another story.

So Steve, who are you exactly?

An Artist in some way, that’s what I would expect. And hope cause, to be honest that would be sooooo cool.

Maybe that’s why you live with me. If you “live”, anyway….

What kind of Art did you create?

I’d guess you drew Acryl paintings, of people, with a slight touch of abstract stuff.

Like an girl whose hair is made of spiky pyramids or …, you know what I mean.

Can you read my mind? I mean, if I’m right about the inserting-thoughts-thing, that would only make sense.

And does that mean you can read the mind of my sister too?

Could you tell me what she thinks?

Am I annoying again?

Well you can leave anytime you want anyway.

So were you an successful artist? Or more an hobby artist?

I think you had an second job, because I just had the picture of a dude in a suit in my head. Out of which I interpret that you had a job where you had to wear a suit.

How old are you? Cause the image I have in my head so far is of an young adult. But I don’t like the Idea that this person, I kinda got to know so far, died as an young person.

So I hope you just make me think that, while you can decide which  age you have after death.

Mostly because that’s what I would want. Actually all of this is just me imagining my personal perfect afterlife.

Ok that’s about as much as I will write down today.


I’m gonna draw now.

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