ghost in my room

I truly believe in ghosts. Although I don’t think they are evil, but anyway I wrote down a monolog where I talk to a ghost in my room. ( I literally talked loud to ghost in my room)


Hey can’t you help me….

Well of course you can’t you’re a ghost, I don’t even know if you exist.

By the way since we are in Austria do you even understand me when I speak English?

Maybe I’m just crazy by now…. NO I’M NOT.

Wait what.

Ok what if ghosts can’t speak or move stuff but are able to manipulate my thoughts…

What if that’s the reason I have passed so many tests without studying. I just have a very clever ghost that for some reason likes me and helps me.

Man that would be great.

You (the ghost in my room) could study Latin for me since you don’t really have anything else to do.

Or do you?  I don’t even know.

Oh god I don’t even know your name jet and already want you to do my work. I’m sorry.

Are you a girl or a boy by the way, or do ghosts even have genders?

Are ghosts a own species or dead people ?

Am I annoying you?

I’m sorry, please tell me if that’s the case. Or wait…

Better not tell me, I don’t know how you would tell me but I would probably freak out.

But this has been a really interesting conversation so far I should really wright this down.

Do you mind?

Are you mad if I tell others about you, I hope not.

Do ghosts watch people watching ghost movies and just think how unrealistic that is…?

I would be such a bad ghost, when ever someone would do something wrong I would just be there like: “ WTF are you doing you stupid idiot? Let me do it. Oh wait….I can’t”

Except ghosts can control the thoughts of living people. Then I would have the fun of a (after)life-time.

 It would be like sims in real life.

But anyway I should probably sleep now.


But If you can, it would be nice if you would visit me in my dreams. Good Night ghost.   

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Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    Zentrifugalkraft (Dienstag, 31 Januar 2017 14:49)

    I now want a ghost.