Brocken Wings

In this pic you see the protagonist of the story (it’s the girl with the red hair) she’s in the army. The howl story takes place in a other world where everyone had some kind of wings. But a horrible war was going on in this world. And the red-haired lost her wings in an battle which is shown in the pic. But what isn’t shown is that she is been thrown out of the army by an evil woman and lives by her own for a few years. But in this time she learns to use her broken wings as a weapon. Like this she kills the woman that threw her out of the army long ago. She might become an important warlord or queen or ends the war. The kinda stuff protagonists do.

she uses the sharpend bones of her wings as a weapon
she uses the sharpend bones of her wings as a weapon

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Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    Alias (Dienstag, 31 Januar 2017 14:40)

    I really really like that story. I actually don't know what to write, I just love to write comments. Read the story!