Black Blood


In this story the world is pretty much the same as it is in reality, except some people have special powers. But it’s not like in the marvel universe, cause the only time you really see people use their abilities is on TV, where tournaments are shown. A little bit like MMA or WWE. In the streets you usually don’t see anyone use them.


 So the protagonist of this Idea is a 16 years old girl lets just call her Kim. Kim is not very tall but fit as in muscular, she isn’t known to be very girly she’s a cliquey tomboy. Right now she’s attending  secondary school. Her class are 13 boys and 14 girls. And even thou they are all very different they get along very well. 


The class was told that they would go on a school trip for a week. As they where in the bus everyone fell asleep (except the driver of course). But as Kim woke up she wasn’t in the Bus anymore, she, 3 other guys from her class ( Andi, Chris, Mick) and many other dudes, where in a big haul.  People dressed in suits where standing around them and a important looking Person standing on an balcony told them:” You probably already heard about people with special abilities, well you guys are some of those chosen ones. The nice People standing by the exits will tell you more while they are escorting you to your rooms.” So Kim, Andi, Chris and Mick walked up to a person in a suit and she showed them the way to their room. First she explained how the got here: schools are working together with the organisation called SNOW while the school tells the students and their parents that the kids will go on a school trip SNOW analyses whether or not the students have powers. If the kids have powers they are tested physically and mentally (all without them noticing).”  So Kim asked, why she was the only girl from the students. And the woman answered :” In this facility you will get taught how to fight most girls have healing powers or are physically not able. It’s an evolutionary thing.”  As they reached the building with their rooms they noticed a giant light ball in the middle of the round House ( pic further down) And thy asked what that was. The employee told them,” in the real world they will only be away for a week, while for them it will feel like 7 months. It’s a special time slowing dome they are in right now. And because of that they have their own son>giant light ball. “ As they reached their room, the woman told them their luggage is already here and they have time till tomorrow to get used to it. 

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